We strive with every undertaking to find the most essential messages and to reinforce those messages through creative and well executed designs. From immersive experiences to printed media, we see every point of contact as an opportunity to inform and inspire.

We develop creative signage and environmental graphics, from high resolution displays in times square to way-finding graphics and manage every step through final installation.

Our focus is not a singular goal, but an aim to deliver an experience through a well researched concept and high quality execution that highlights the aesthetic and values of the client.


Interactive digital walls are an exciting new way for companies to engage visitors and employees alike.  As one of our favorite things to design, we are able to engage all areas of expertise -  content creation, interactivity, architectural integration, technical specifications and industrial design, to create something unique and exciting for a space. 

Interactive art walls are a process that involve an analysis of existing conditions, creative workshops with client to determine their particular needs and objectives then a design process that creates custom content and design scenarios to express the clients desires.

These projects are all built from similar elements but feature a wide array of customization from the content, to the type of interactivity to the placement and integration of the screens. Each wall is designed with a unique goal in mind for every client to tell a story about the company and to  enhance the experience of the space and the people who come into contact with it. 



We are inspired by opportunities to develop meaningful and memorable applications, from immersive experiences to printed media, we see every point of contact as an opportunity to inform and inspire.

Art is perhaps the highest level of communication. We strive with every undertaking to find the most essential messages and to reinforce those messages through creative and well executed design.

More important than technology, is designing to enhance human experience. We assist our clients to articulate and refine their audience’s optimal experience and then develop solutions in support of that intent. Our goal is to use integrated technologies to communicate an organization’s core values and better enable genuine human interaction.



We design, program, manage, direct, and produce creative digital media content and installations. Regardless the scale, we are inspired by opportunities to develop meaningful and memorable applications that transform the perception and operation of the companies we work with. Our experitse include production and execution of events, curation of art and programming for events.  We range in events from large scale public festivals to private immersive experiences.  




Our team specializes in projection mapping technology and execution.  We have done a wide range of projects covering everything from exterior building facades to unconventional objects and art installations to projected immersive environments.  

We can design and create custom content at any scale and have experience working with both temporary and permanent projection installations.  We look for every opportunity to use this breakout technology to enhance the human experience and take pride in pushing the capacities of projection and the depth of the creative process. 




We specialize in creating digital art in many different contexts - video screens, projections, installations and more. Often we are use our expertise to enable artists to execute their vision - engaging experience and resources to create digitally based art that is conceptually rich and unique.  

We design the way art is experienced through multiple platforms- projection, interactive walls and displays, conceptual installations. We create visual experiences that are tailored to each client and the conditions of their installation.  

We also produce arts events and exhibits using these same techniques.  Some examples include the ILLUMINUS Festival and the Harvard Installations in 2015 and 2016.